OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION: Situation of the Ball in Mexico

Oct 15, 2021

In Pamplona on October 15, 2021

The Executive Committee of the International Basque Pelota Federation meets, in an emergency session, to analyze the statement received from CONADE in reference to the situation currently experienced by the sport of Pelota in Mexico.

CONADE, in an official letter, informs the FIPV that, as of today, no federation in conflict (Mexican Federation of Basque Pelota and Frontón, AC and Mexican Federation of Frontón) has the National Registry of Physical Culture and Sports .

For this reason:


  1. Not knowing any of the two federations mentioned above.
  2. Exceptionally, allow the participation of the Mexican teams that are currently in Spain to compete in the X Under-23 World Championship 36 meters Fronton.

The FIPV is waiting for CONADE to resolve the conflict and notify the organization that represents the sport of Pelota in Mexico.

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