The FIPV continues to advance and work on Good Governance through its Compliance program

Jun 4, 2020

As announced in September 2019, the FIPV, in order to maintain the highest standards in terms of Compliance, Transparency and Good Governance, has been working on the development of a complete Compliance program.

Although these months in which the Covid-19 pandemic has hit the sports sector hard, the FIPV has continued to maintain and increase its work rates in other areas such as Compliance. After carrying out an exhaustive report on the situation and operation of the Federation by the professional services firm specialized in the sports sector, Above Sport Associates, chosen to develop this program at the FIPV, actions have been taken to improve which was considered a very good result in the management of the Federation in said report.

This program is of course adapted to the minimum requirements established by the UNE-ISO 19600:2015 Standard, such as the development of a compliance committee, a disciplinary code and the development of an ethical channel for the communication of any issue related to Compliance. be sent directly to Above Sport Associates and ensure the absolute confidentiality of said communications.

In addition to these minimum requirements, the commitment of the FIPV management has gone further and among the measures that have been developed at the FIPV, it is worth highlighting the development of a Good Governance code that will govern and set the tone for all behaviors. within the Federation, a Manual of economic procedures that guarantees the correct management of resources and an Information Security Manual, one of the greatest risks for all business entities in the 21st century that increases due to the international nature of our Federation.

Currently, we also continue working to improve the protection of all our athlete workers, etc. with the development of a Code of Conduct that establishes the most recommended measures for the prevention, detection and action against sexual harassment and abuse as well as the most absolute rejection of any conduct. of a racist, xenophobic nature or any other sign of intolerance in our sport.


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