
The FIPV must comply in the 2014/2018 period, based on its updated statutes and the evolution of the A FIVE UNRENOUNTABLE PRINCIPLES modality, TO KNOW:


Engine and catalyst with and for the National Federations, in the extension and consolidation of the modality.


Generate and centrifuge sports programs and projects with a marked character of "SPORTS STATE POLICIES", in the promotion of BALL, in its different categories and modalities.


Place the accent and emphasis on the normative, formative, educational, social, experiential character, of healthy habits of the practice of BALL, with special incidence in the achievement of a competition of excellence.


AS AN INTERNATIONAL SPORTS ENTITY and / or supranational the FIPV, opens a new period of work and projection based on respect for the diversity of its National Federations, without renouncing to implement its own initiatives that contribute to the necessary sports impulse of the Ball with new National Federations in its configuration and implementation in countries and territories.


The FIPV will play the moderating role, in balance with its own international sports relations adjusted to INTERNATIONAL LAW and the recommendations emanating from international organizations: United Nations-UNESCO, Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Olympic Charter ... as well as with the inalienable objective of turn the ball into an Olympic modality on the horizon.

Presentation of the FIPV.

Supreme Gradient Text

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