
It is the toughest form of pelota, as well as the mother of traditional ball modalities, since its practice from the ground up facilitates the development of other types of the ball game. The game in fronton requires power and physical form, while in ratchet skill is more important. Spain is the great dominator in fronton and France in ratchet.


The game is played with a clean hand, using only cleats to protect the joints.


Fronton 36 meter:

- Diameter: 6.1/6.4 cm.

- Core weight: 30.1/34 gr.

- Total weight: 101.1/106 gr.


- Diameter: 6.0/6.2 cm.

- Core weight: 23 gr.

- Total weight: 92 gr. maximum.

Game types

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Individuals and pairs

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