Cuba welcomes Frontball with enthusiasm

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The Frontball, a new Pelota Vasca modality existing since April of this year, has caused a great excitement among Cubans through the first meeting held last week in Havana, Cuba

Havana, Cuba, November 23rd, 2015.  - The Technical Seminar of Frontball took place in Havana, Cuba, from November 17th to 19th. This seminar has caught Cuban Pelotaris attention, very enthusiastic over other ball modalities (such as Pala, Frontenis, Xare, Cesta Punta…) who have found in Frontball a very attractive alternative to reach out to more fans, and to be able to bring more public and athletes creating a better showcase around this sport in Cuba.

An ambitious promotion plan has been added to this event to implement Frontball, rehabilitate courts, and organize international events. This project will be possible unifying forces among FIPV (International Federation of Pelota Vasca), INDER (National sports organization of physical education and recreation of Cuba) and the Cuban federation of Pelota.

This event had the presence of Julián García Angulo, President of the Spanish Federation of Pelota,, Jean Michel Idiart, Founder of Frontball and member of FIPV, Lázaro Ricardo Mendoza, President of the Cuban Federation of Pelota, and Paulo Hernández Eduardo, President of the Central American and Caribbean confederation.

“We are organizing and celebrating strategic meetings/events as a development and promotional plan of expansion which the International Federation of Basque ball will experience within upcoming years. Frontball will become a key sport as it is new, easy to play, and accessible to cities and places where we would have never imagined this game would be played.” affirmed Xavier Cazaubon (President of FIPV) during this meeting.